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CFST 2019
Comfest FunMap 2019

ComFest FunMap 2018
ComFest FunMap 2018

ComFest FunMap 2017
ComFest FunMap 2017
ComFest is a free, non-corporate, music and arts annual festival held each June at Goodale Park in Columbus, Ohio. One of its traditions is the hand-drawn ComFest FunMap that's showcased in center of the Festival Guide.
Since 2017, Flor and Max have collaborated on creating fun, colorfully vibrant, inspiring and informative maps for the festival. The pair take the creation of the FunMap seriously. They plan the theme of the map months before the Guide goes to press. In the weeks before press time, Flor and Max coordinate with the Guide's Editor to make sure everything on the map is in its proper place.
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